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How to Mass Import or Edit Users from CSV Upload

Learn how new users can be uploaded and edited in the Movement Health Platform quickly using CSV import.

To learn how to add one User at a time, click here for a tutorial.



Add Users from CSV Upload

This capability allows you to add/import multiple users at a time.

  1. Navigate to a Team
  2. Click the menu dots in the top right of the Users Table next to "Add a User."
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 9.53.30 AM
  3. Click "Import Users" on the menu
  4. Click "Download CSV Template," then open the document once the download is complete
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 9.59.21 AM
  5. Clear all example data (rows 2 and 3) before beginning roster entry
  6. Begin filling in each column by entering First and Last Names, or copy and paste from existing rosters
  7. There are four required fields when creating a new User:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Sex Assigned at Birth (m or f)
    4. Birth Date (M/D/YY)
  8. Optional fields:
    1. Email Address - personal email address to use for viewing your user profile and/or utilizing the Sparta MOVE App
    2. Height (first column is ft., second column is in.)
    3. Invite ("y" for yes and "n" for no) - if an email is included, "y" will trigger an invitation email to the User
    4. Group Membership - click here for a guide to creating Groups
      1. To automatically add a User to an existing Group, type in the Group name as it appears in the MHP.
    5. Tags - must be activated in Team settings. Click here for a guide to setting up Tags
      1. Tags must be entered as Main:Subgroup as they appear in the MHP. For example, "Baseball:Pitcher" or "Public Service:Police"
      2. To add more than one tag to a User, separate each by a comma and one space. For example, "Soccer:Forward, Soccer:Midfield"
    6. External ID - student ID number, jersey number, patient ID, or other alternate ID, if desired
  9. Save the document as a CSV, then navigate back to the Sparta Admin App. Click the cloud icon under Import From List and select the document from your computer.
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 9.59.21 AM
  10. Upload will be populated on a screen that allows you to correct any typos or erroneous entries. Review and edit within, and when finished, click Import Subjects.

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Edit Users (export and re-import) from CSV Upload

This capability allows you to edit/update information for multiple users at a time. It also allows you to export the user list.

  1. Navigate to the Team you would like to update user information for.
  2. Click the menu dots in the top right of the Users Table next to "Add a User."
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 9.53.30 AM
  3. Select “Update Info for Multiple Users.”
  4. Export the user information by clicking “Download User List” in the drawer.
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 10.04.04 AM
  5. Open the downloaded csv file. Update the necessary user information. Information that is not edited will remain the same.
    1. Note: the Subject ID field should not be edited.
    2. See above for more explanation of the different fields.
  6. Save the document as a CSV, then navigate back to the Sparta Admin App. Click the cloud icon under Update Info for Multiple Users and select the document from your computer.
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 10.04.04 AM
  7. Upload will be populated on a screen that allows you to correct any typos or erroneous entries. Review and edit within, and when finished, click Import Subjects.
    Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 4.18.29 PM

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